iOM, International Olympiad of Mathematics – All you need to know

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International Olympiad of Mathematics (iOM)

Dive into the fascinating world of mathematics with the International Olympiad of Mathematics (iOM). This page offers all the information you need to know about iOM, from its structure and benefits to preparation tips and key dates.

About iOM

The International Olympiad of Mathematics (IOM) is an annual competition that assesses students’ analytical reasoning skills in school-level mathematics. Each year, students from grades 1 to 12 participate in this prestigious event to gauge their true potential in mathematics.

The SilverZone Foundation organizes the IOM, which involves both national and international assessments. These assessments test students’ analytical reasoning abilities in mathematics. The competition aligns with the syllabuses prescribed by CBSE, ICSE, and State Boards, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the curriculum.

Students from across the country compete in the International Olympiad of Mathematics annually. This event offers a platform for young mathematicians to showcase their skills and gain recognition for their achievements. The IOM plays a crucial role in identifying and nurturing mathematical talent among school students.

By participating in the IOM, students receive a detailed performance report. This report helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses, guiding them to improve and excel further. The IOM encourages young students to pursue their passion for mathematics and equips them with essential skills for success.

iOM Exam Dates

  • Wednesday, 19th November 2024
  • Thursday, 10th December 2024

Structure of the Mathematics Olympiad

Level 1

All students from classes 1 to 12 are eligible to participate in Level 1.

Level 2

  • Top 1000 Olympiad rank holders (ranks 4 to 1003) with a minimum of 50% marks.
  • Class 1 rank holders with a minimum of 75% marks and 100% participation in the respective subject from the school.

Level 3

  • International Olympiad 1st rank holders from classes 6 to 12 from Level 2 are eligible.
  • Level 3 will be conducted in New Delhi, India.

iOM Exam Details

The Olympiad is conducted in schools during school hours. The exam structure is as follows:

  • Number of Questions:
    • Class 1 & 2: 25 questions
    • Class 3 to 5: 30 questions
    • Class 6 to 8: 35 questions
    • Class 9 to 12: 40 questions
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Duration:
    • 40 Minutes (Classes 1 to 8)
    • 50 Minutes (Classes 9 to 12)
  • Sections:
    • Mathematics
    • Reasoning and Aptitude
    • Scholar’s Zone

The medium of the test is English only. The Olympiad takes place annually on two dates within the school premises. Schools can choose between the two dates, and each date has a different set of question papers.

iOM Registration

Schools registered with the SilverZone Foundation receive the iOM Registration Forms. Unregistered schools can request a prospectus by emailing [email protected] or calling 011-69114100. Schools must return the completed Registration Forms by the due date.

About the iOM Test Paper

The test is conducted in English for all classes from 1 to 12. The exam details are as follows:

  • Classes 1-2: 25 questions, 40 minutes
  • Classes 3-5: 30 questions, 40 minutes
  • Classes 6-8: 35 questions, 40 minutes
  • Classes 9-12: 40 questions, 50 minutes

Instructions on the test conduct are sent with the question papers. OMR answer sheets are provided for classes 1 onwards. The questions are objective-type with multiple-choice answers and no negative marking.

iOM Awards and Recognition

Level 3 Awards

  • Educational Excursions:
    • Math & Science Olympiad: NASA (USA)
    • English Language Olympiads: London (UK)
  • Eligibility: Top two students from each subject

Level 2 Awards

1st Olympiad Rank12thPrize of Rs. 50,000/-
11thPrize of Rs. 25,000/-
1st to 10thPrize of Rs. 10,000/-
2nd Olympiad Rank11th and 12thPrize of Rs. 10,000/-
1st to 10thPrize of Rs. 7,500/-
3rd Olympiad Rank11th and 12thPrize of Rs. 7,500/-
1st to 10thPrize of Rs. 5,000/-

Level 1 Awards

4th to 10th Olympiad Rank1st to 12thGift Certificate of Different Value
11th to 25th Olympiad Rank1st to 12thGift Certificate of Different Value
26th to 500th Olympiad Rank1st to 12thTopper Achievement Certificate
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Zonal Rank1st to 12thMedals of Excellence
1st, 2nd, and 3rd State Rank1st to 12thMedals of Excellence
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class Topper1st to 12thMedals of Excellence (min 50% marks)
All Participants1st to 12thParticipation Certificate with Ranks/Marks

For more details, visit the official SilverZone Foundation website or contact your school.

iOM Preparation with Olympiadtester

Students should enroll in the Mathematics Olympiad Course by Olympiadtester. The course includes:

  • Sample papers
  • Online mock tests
  • PDF worksheets
  • Chapter-wise practice tests

These resources provide comprehensive preparation, helping students excel in the iOM and achieve top ranks.

Syllabus and Marking Scheme – International Olympiad of Mathematics

Class 1 & 2

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Counting Numbers32.57.5
Operation on Numbers102.525
Time and Calendar22.55
Geometrical Shapes52.512.5
Reasoning and Aptitude8216
Scholar’s zone8324
Total questions40Total marks100

Class 3

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Numbers and their Operations11222
Everyday Mathematics326
Geometrical Shapes5210
Data Handling326
Reasoning and Aptitude101.515
Scholar’s zone102.525
Total questions50Total marks100

Class 4

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Numbers and their Operations10220
Fractions and Decimals5210
Everyday Mathematics224
Geometrical Shapes5210
Perimeter and Area5210
Data handling326
Reasoning and Aptitude101.515
Scholar’s zone102.525
Total questions50Total marks100

Class 5

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Numbers and there Operations11222
Fractions and Decimals428
Everyday Mathematics428
Geometry and Measurement7214
Data Handling326
Reasoning and Aptitude101.515
Scholar’s zone102.525
Total questions50Total marks100

Class 6

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Numbers and their Operations9218
Fractions and Decimals5210
Algebra, Ratio and Proportion5210
Geometry and Measurement7214
Data Handling326
Reasoning and Aptitude101.515
Scholar’s zone102.525
Total questions50Total marks100

Class 7

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Numbers and their Operations12224
Everyday Mathematics428
Geometry and Measurement7214
Data Handling326
Reasoning and Aptitude101.515
Scholar’s zone102.525
Total questions50Total marks100

Class 8

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Number Systems and Operations6212
Algebra and Geometry6212
Comparing Quantities8216
Data Handling428
Applied Mathematics224
Reasoning and Aptitude101.515
Scholar’s zone102.525
Total questions50Total marks100

Class 9

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Real Numbers428
Algebra and Co-ordinate Geometry8216
Statistics and Probability5210
Applied Mathematics5210
Reasoning and Aptitude101.515
Scholar’s zone102.525
Total questions50Total marks100

Class 10

UnitNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Marks
Number System & Sequence and Series5210
Algebra and Co-ordinate Geometry5210
Statistics and Probability5210
Reasoning and Aptitude101.515
Scholar’s zone102.525
Total questions50Total marks100


For more details, visit the official SilverZone Foundation website or contact your school.


Is Olympiadtester affiliated to Silverzone foundation?

No. Also, iOM courses of Olympiadtester are not endorsed by Silverzone.

What is the relationship between ParentKart and Olympiadtester?

Olympiadtester and Parentkart belong to the same group.

How is the iOM aligned with school curriculums?

The iOM is based on the syllabuses prescribed by CBSE, ICSE, and State Boards. This alignment ensures that the competition covers relevant topics and concepts taught in schools, making it a comprehensive assessment of students’ mathematical knowledge.

When will Silverzone declare the results of iOM?

You will get the notification from your school. You can also track it from their official website.

Who can participate in the iOM?

Students from grades 1 to 12 are eligible to participate in the International Olympiad of Mathematics. The competition is open to students across the country, providing them with an opportunity to showcase their mathematical skills on a national and international level.

How often is the iOM held, and what are its benefits?

The International Olympiad of Mathematics is held annually. Participating in the iOM provides students with numerous benefits, including the opportunity to compete at a high level, receive recognition for their skills, and enhance their understanding of mathematical concepts. The detailed performance reports also help students identify their strengths and areas for improvement.

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