Historical facts you need to know

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Interesting historical facts

Embark on a journey through the wonders of history with these fascinating and incredible historical facts that showcase the complexity, resilience, and marvels of our past. Explore interesting historical facts and bizarre historical facts!

Fascinating Historical Facts

  • Genghis Khan exempted folks with low income, teachers, artists, and lawyers from paying taxes.
  • IBM produced the first GB hard drive in 1980, which cost forty thousand USD.
  • Adolf Hitler initiated the ban on human zoos.
  • A single hyphen typing error in the coding of the Mariner I rocket caused it to explode before takeoff, costing NASA $630 million.
  • Romans kept ferrets as one of the most popular pets.
  • Marie Curie’s Nobel prize-winning physicist’s notebook remains radioactive and cannot be handled safely.
  • People in Saurashtra built the earliest irrigation dam.
  • Britain and Zanzibar fought the shortest war in history in 1896, lasting 38 minutes.
  • Historians estimate that over 79% of history was never recorded.
  • Iceland established the world’s oldest parliament, Althing, in 930.
  • George Washington did not have wooden teeth; his dentures were made of lead, ivory, and gold.
  • In the battle of Pelusium, the Persians used cats as shields, knowing Egyptians worshipped them.
  • In 1991, the French created a fake Paris to deceive German bomber pilots.
  • Mayans worshipped turkeys as Gods.
  • Albert Einstein declined the presidency of Israel.

More Interesting Historical Facts

  • Pope Gregory IX declared cats followers of the devil and ordered their execution.
  • People in India have practiced yoga for over 5,000 years.
  • Builders constructed the German town Nordlingen inside a 14 million-year-old meteor crater.
  • Egyptians used slabs of stone as pillows.
  • The Leaning Tower of Pisa has never been upright due to construction on unstable ground.
  • Alexander the Great was buried alive, paralyzed and unresponsive but not decaying after five days.
  • Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the USA, was a wrestling champ with one loss among 300 matches.
  • Grigori Rasputin survived cyanide poisoning, gunshot wounds, and drowning before dying.
  • Asian trainers taught elephants to execute and torture prisoners until the 19th century.
  • Indian railways employ more than a million employees.
  • Olympic Games awarded medals for Fine Arts until 1912.
  • Britain won 5 gold medals in tug of war when it was an Olympic game.
  • Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine, with Charaka as its Father.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte fought a war against bunnies in France.
  • India has not invaded any country in the last ten thousand years.

Bizarre Historical Facts

  • Cleopatra came from Greek descent, not Egyptian.
  • The Great Wall of China is not visible from space without aid.
  • The Black Death (Bubonic Plague) wiped out about 75-200 million people in the 14th century.
  • The Titanic’s distress signals were ignored by a nearby ship, the Californian.
  • Time gradually destroyed the Library of Alexandria, one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world.
  • The Battle of Megiddo in 1457 BCE marks the first recorded war in history.
  • The Great Fire of London in 1666 started in a bakery on Pudding Lane.
  • The Spanish flu of 1918 infected about one-third of the world’s population and killed millions.
  • The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the formation of the Soviet Union.
  • The Berlin Wall, erected in 1961, separated East and West Berlin until its fall in 1989.
  • The ancient city of Troy was real and located in modern-day Turkey.
  • The Salem witch trials in 1692 led to the execution of 20 people accused of witchcraft.
  • A German U-boat sank the RMS Lusitania in 1915, contributing to the United States entering World War I.
  • The Silk Road facilitated trade between the East and West for centuries.
  • The Battle of Hastings in 1066 marked the Norman Conquest of England.
  • Disputes over trade and opium led to the Opium Wars (1839-1842 and 1856-1860) between China and Britain.
  • The Bayeux Tapestry depicts the events leading up to the Norman Conquest of England.
  • The Industrial Revolution, starting in the late 18th century, transformed economies and societies worldwide.
  • The Code of Hammurabi, one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes, dates back to ancient Babylon.
  • The Renaissance, a period of renewed interest in art, literature, and learning, originated in Italy in the 14th century.


To conclude, these historical facts unveil the astonishing intricacies of our past. Moreover, they highlight the remarkable events and figures that have shaped our world. If you enjoyed this collection of interesting historical facts, explore more posts across various topics.

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