Top Olympiad exams in India: 2024-25

iOM, International Olympiad of Mathematics – All you need to know

Organizer: Silverzone foundation, Exam dates: 19th November 2024 and 10th December 2024…

International Olympiad of Science (iOS): 2024-25

Silverzone iOS Exam Dates: 1st date – 13th November 2024, 2nd date – 5th December 2024. No of levels – 03…

IGKO (International General Knowledge Olympiad): 2024-25

Exam dates of SOF IGKO: 1st date – 19th September 2024, 2nd date – 4th October 2024, 3rd date – 15th October…

IEO (International English Olympiad): 2024-25

IEO Exam dates: 1st date – 26th September 2024, 2nd date – 8th October, 3rd date – 8th November…

IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad): 2024-25

IMO dates: 1st date – 22nd October 2024, 2nd date – 19th November, 3rd date – 12th December…

NSO (National Science Olympiad) 2024-25: All you need to know

Exam dates of SOF NSO: DATE ONE – 18th October 2024, DATE TWO – 12th November, DATE THREE – 3rd December…

International Computer Science Olympiad (ICSO): 2024-25

Organizer: SOF, 1st date: 20th December, 2024, 2nd date: 21st January, 2025, Registration deadline: 1 month…

Top Olympiad Exams: A Gateway to Academic Excellence

Embark on a journey of academic enrichment and intellectual growth with the top Olympiad exams conducted by renowned organizations worldwide. From Science and Mathematics to English and General Knowledge, these Olympiads offer students a platform to showcase their talents and excel in various subjects.

Organizer: Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)

SOF conducts Olympiad exams on two levels in subjects like General Knowledge, Mathematics, Science, English, Commerce, and Social Studies, among others. Candidates can get detailed information on the official website of

National Cyber Olympiad (NCO)

The NCO is an annual cyber competition for students in Classes 1 to 10, featuring objective questions across Logical Reasoning, Computers, Information Technology, and Achievers sections.

National Science Olympiad (NSO)

An annual Science competition for students in Classes 1 to 12, NSO tests scientific reasoning and logical ability at two levels. Recommended NSO Prep resources for you:
Sample papers for NSO
Online courses for NSO
Mock tests for NO

International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)

For students in Classes 1 to 12, IMO assesses logical and mathematical reasoning through objective questions. It comprises two levels.

International English Olympiad (IEO)

A global competition for students who have passed an international English Language test, IEO is held at two levels for Classes 1 to 12.

International Commerce Olympiad (ICO)

A single-level test for Classes 11 and 12, ICO covers Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, and Achievers sections.

International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO)

A single-level exam for students in Classes 1 to 10, IGKO includes questions from General Awareness, Current Affairs, Life Skills, and Achievers sections.

International Social Studies Olympiad (ISSO)

Conducted for students in Classes 3 to 10, ISSO covers History, Geography, Social and Political Life, and Achievers Section.

SOF Awards

At International, Zonal, and School levels, SOF awards recognize excellence and encourage participation.

Organizer: SilverZone Foundation

SilverZone Foundation offers Olympiad exams in subjects like Science, Maths, Computer, General Knowledge, and English Language. Check more details on their official website.

International Informatics Olympiad (iOS)

For students in Classes 1 to 12, iOS evaluates Computer Science proficiency annually.

International Olympiad of Science (iOM)

Held for Classes 1 to 12, iOM tests scientific competency in a 40-minute exam.

International Olympiad of Mathematics (iIO)

A math competition for Classes 1 to 12, iIO assesses mathematical skills.

International Olympiad English Language (iOEL)

For English language proficiency, iOEL is held at two levels for Classes 1 to 12.

Smart Kid General Knowledge Olympiad (SKGKO)

SKGKO evaluates general awareness for students from Classes 1 to 10.

International Reasoning and Aptitude Olympiad (iRAO)

iRAO tests reasoning and aptitude skills of students from Classes 1 to 12.

Little Star Olympiad

For LKG and UKG students, Little Star Olympiad fosters early learning and development.

SilverZone Foundation Awards

Recognizing excellence from the 1st to 500th rank, SilverZone awards promote academic achievement.

Organizer: Unified Council

Unified Council offers a range of Olympiad exams aimed at nurturing academic excellence and fostering intellectual growth among students.

National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE)

NSTSE is a comprehensive science-based examination for students from Classes 2 to 12.

Unified International Mathematics Olympiad (UIMO)

UIMO ignites a passion for mathematics among students from Classes 1 to 10 on an international platform.

Unified Cyber Olympiad (UCO)

UCO challenges students from Classes 2 to 10 to demonstrate their proficiency in computer-related skills.

Unified International English Olympiad (UIEO)

UIEO enhances language skills and fosters literary appreciation for students from Classes 1 to 10.

Experience the enriching journey of participating in the top Olympiad exams, where academic excellence meets holistic development.

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